Tuesday, August 9, 2011

35 Little Acts of Kindness

I came across an old article from O, The Oprah Magazine this morning called 35 Little Acts of Kindness. The mission of The Kindness Campaign is to continue to promote an atmosphere of kindness through volunteerism. Small acts of kindness can truly make someone's day, and can brighten up your own day as well.

Here are a few of my favorites from the article:

-Pay the toll for the person behind you

-Write a letter to a child who could use some extra attention. Kids love getting mail.

-Say "I love you" to someone you love.

-Each time you get a new item of clothing, give away something old. (<-- I should probably try this one!)

-Out of the blue, send flowers to a friend.

-Call or write to a teacher who changed your life.

You can view the full article here!
Often times, we get so caught up in what we have to do that we don't think about the small things we can do to show we care about others. Set aside some time today, and every day, to practice compassion. After all, in the end, kindness is what matters the most. Make someone smile today. :)

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion."  -Dalai Lama

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