Friday, August 12, 2011

How To Get Involved (Part III): Donating Your Time and Talents

Identifying your passion and enlisting the support of those around you are such important steps when it comes to being a volunteer. Now it's time to volunteer! Sharing your time and talents with others, because you are passionate about what you're doing and because you have support from people you care about, will have numerous benefits.
Why should you volunteer?
You will...
Learn or develop a new skill
Be a part of your community
Gain a sense of achievement
Broaden your career options
Find new hobbies
Gain new experiences
Meet a diverse range of people
Help those in need
Feel Good About Yourself!
I hope you're ready to volunteer! So, identify your passion, find support, and dedicate yourself to donating your time and talents! You don't have to move mountains to get involved; as Mother Teresa said, "If you can't feed a hundred people, just feed one." Remember, if you are looking for a volunteer opportunity but are not quite sure what to do, The Kindness Campaign can help. Email us at
"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." --Albert Pine

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