Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Get Involved (Part I): Finding Your Passion

So you want to begin volunteering, but you aren't quite sure what you want to do. The Kindness Campaign is here to help! In fact, one aspect of The Kindness Campaign is to connect youth to their own unique volunteer opportunities. (You can send me an email at and members of the Executive Council and I will find the right volunteer opportunity for you!)

The first questions I ask students when they come to me asking where they should get involved are "what do you like to do outside of school?" and "what are you passionate about?". The first step in figuring out how you want to volunteer is to identify your passion. This passion may be dancing, playing soccer, singing, acting, playing a musical instrument, painting, or photography. It may be reading, teaching, or playing with children. You may have dedication to a certain cause or group of people because of past family experiences, like cancer prevention, anti-bullying, or suicide awareness.

So to begin, ask yourself the following questions:
-What is my favorite after school activity?
-What is my favorite subject in school?
-What (if any) volunteer experiences have I had in the past? Did I enjoy them?
-What am I truly passionate about?

The best advice I can give someone when they are looking to volunteer is to find something you truly love, because if you love what you're doing, both you and the people you are helping will benefit so much more.

Additional Resources:

Again, if you are looking for an exciting volunteer opportunity, please do not hesitate to email The Kindness Campaign ( and we will find a unique opportunity catered to your specific interests!

"Passion rebuilds the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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